Streetline: our history and reason

Streetline opened its doors in 1989 to meet the needs of young people who cannot live at home for a variety of reasons. Entering Streetline aged 14, we provide a residential service until they reach the age of 21 years with on-going support thereafter if required. Over the past 25 years, Streetline has developed its service from hostel accommodation into a residential home with an educational and therapeutic emphasis where Person Centred and Psycho-dynamic theories inform our practice.

Mission Statement: To enable young lads, aged 14 to 21, to move towards safety & stability through relationships with a staff team who are trained to understand developmental deficits, trauma and attach- ment difficulties in a way that enables an individual programme to be tailored to the young person’s needs.

Statistically, children who leave the care system are at a higher risk of becoming homeless, suffering from mental health and addiction problems, suicide, prostitution and criminal activities. To date, Streetline has been largely successful redirecting our young people away from the poverty gap towards independent living.

We aim to provide practical, emotional and psychological support to empower young people in living semi or fully independently and to build a successful future for themselves either through education, apprenticeships or a profession.

Streetline acknowledges the intrinsic value and inherent dignity of each person in our care.

We recognise the right of each person to be treated as an autonomous and unique human being. Streetline uses a psycho dynamic and humanistic approach emphasising that there is meaning in all behaviour and that meanings are often linked to past experiences. Emphasis is placed on group living and the management of day-to-day tasks as a reparative therapeutic tool.



The experience of living in Streetline offers the opportunity for significant learning. Most of the young people who are referred to us have experienced disruption during their early years that may be reflected in the quality of the relationships they form. At times this may result in an inability to develop a sense of belonging, and maladaptive responses to their environment. We strongly encourage accessing community programmes to increase the young person’s sense of self-worth through personal achievement.