Meet the staff

Maeve is the manager but it is the keyworkers and staff on shift  who are in charge of the lads and house.
Maeve is the manager but it is the keyworkers and staff on shift
who are in charge of the lads and house.


Aoife is our ‘lovely Galway Girl’ - a bit mad in a nice way.
Aoife is our ‘lovely Galway Girl’ – a bit mad in a nice way.


Claire is the longest in Streetline, also known as ‘Aunty Claire’ as she is in charge of all our over 18 lads who move Next Door. Claire really does not look like this picture.


Paul has great energy. He is great at all the fixing things in Streetline and getting the lads and staff involved in kayaking.


Mick is the rock of Streetline. He is also the best cook in the house.


Daryl is our in-house ‘Bob the Builder’
Daryl is our in-house ‘Bob the Builder’


Kate is great fun and hates this picture.
Kate is great fun and hates this picture.


Phil is a through and through Blue. (Dub)
Phil is a through and through Blue. (Dub)


Louise is also known as ‘Granny’ and is a real mammy
Louise is also known as ‘Granny’ and is a real mammy


Eddie is our Action triathlons man who loves  chocolate
Eddie is our Action triathlons man who loves chocolate